Tom Walker

Social media videos. Static images. Lights were left on.

This was for Sony and what’s mental about it is that the same image of Tom Walker is being used to this day as official and current. The music industry is so fast moving, so I find this absolutely insane. Your man there with the one picture in the beanie? YYYYYIIIIWILLLLEAVEALIIIGHTOOOONNN.

What’s more troubling than any of that is the fact that his debut album is called ‘What a Time to be Alive’ without any trace of irony. I mean, this is a staple of social media – use this phrase when something chronically uninspiring has happened. OMG, what a time to be alive! Look at that album cover. It’s a reproduction of the only photograph of Tom Walker ever taken, comprised of L. S. Lowry-style matchstick folk. It’s not tongue in cheek. Come on now, Tom. What are you doing?

Let’s face it, Tom Walker should be the owner of a microbrewery in Buxton and his Sheeran-lite, faux American accent schtick should only be getting airtime down the Dog and Duck once a month, if even that. But here we are. This guy is a millionaire. The marketing team have knocked this one out of the park.

He looks a bit like a young Mr Twit as well. A plus point, for me. Maybe I should just listen to him with the sound off.
